Thursday, May 12, 2016

beautiful Pakistani Villages and their Life Style

                           Pakistani Villages and their Life Style

Pakistan's beautiful countryside, culture, hospitality and traditions are unique.  buttermilk and vegetables with rice bread is famous breakfast.
In the morning fresh air in the countryside is very proper for health. Even in today's modern age, in the villages farming methods are old. The people of the village are together in happiness and sorrow.
Pakistani Peoples really miss their home when they go outside from their home town countryside or abroad. Now we will show you a huge collection of Pakistani villages which throws light on their life style. I hope you will enjoy and pictures will makes you happy if you are Pakistani or indian.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a Muslim state, won its freedom from India in 1947. Sixty percent of its population lives in villages. Farmers or herders have jobs in nearby cities or towns. Traditional
customs have a strong influence on the life in rural areas of Pakistan, e.g. men have more social freedom than women do. Women avoid contact with men outside their family, and they cover their faces with a veil in the presence of strangers.

In the villages, family houses cluster tightly together along narrow alleys, sharing a tank or shallow pond for washing clothes and for watering vegetables and livestock. House walls are mostly built of mud, and they rise to meet thatched roofs. A typical home may have a few pieces of simple furniture with straw mats covering the bare earth floor. A few stone or brick houses shelter the wealthy landlords and merchants. Most of the villagers live in same-styled, mud houses and cooperate with each other in daily life.

Villagers normally eat very simple meals consisting of a vegetable curry, a gruel of parched grams or lentils eaten with a bread called 'Chapati' or 'Roti.' The women cook the food which they serve on trays set on the floor. Women eat separately after the male members of the family have taken their meal. Women respect their male family members even during meal time.

Villagers lead very simple lives in Pakistan. Although they are doing a great job for the economy of Pakistan and are the backbone for Pakistan's exports, they are still waiting for the amenities that city people enjoy. They eat very simple food but produce many edible things for the city people. In fact, it is proof of their simplicity and innocence that they are happy in mud houses. They don't want to lead the snug life. Nevertheless, it is their right to have some civic amenities of a comfortable life.

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