Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Visit Neelum Valley to explore the hidden paradise of Kashmir


                                        Visit Neelum Valley to explore the hidden         paradise of Kashmir 

Neelum Valley is situated at the North & North-East

 of Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir,

 running parallel to Naran Kaghan Valley. The two valleys are

 only separated by snow-covered peaks, some over 4000m

 above sea level. Excellent scenic beauty, panoramic views

 towering hills on both sides of the noisy Neelum river, lush

 green forests, enchanting streams and attractive

 surroundings make the valley a dream come true.

Neelum Valley is the paradise of Pakistan with the most deifies landscapes, milky streams and blossoming greenery. 
Neelum Valley is the district of Azad Kashmir with the population of about 2 million.

Tourist spots in Neelum Valley.
1. Titwal-Chilhena Border
2. Kundal Shahi
3. Kutton Jagran Valley
4. Keran
5. Upper Neelum
6. Sharda
7. Kel
8. Arrang kel
9. Gurez Valley.
All of above places are the most beautiful spots to visit in Neelum Valley.
Attractions in Neelum Valley.
1. Greenery
2. Milky Streams
3. Panoramic views
4. Summer Camp Event.
5. Neelum Jhelum Project
6. Jagran Project.
Road Condition of Neelum Valley.
1. Highway till Keran
2. Rough Roads
3. Hiking tracks.
Temperature of Neelum Valley.

Neelum is a beautiful valley containing about 370 small and large villages and near about two hundred thousand population. It starts from Chelhana and goes till Taobut 250 km long. It is named Neelum due to its river, curving like the snake with transparent sky colored water. Like any other population of the subcontinent it has the most heterogeneous population with variety of rituals, customs and traditions. The whole valley is full of beautiful and fascinating sceneries.

Keran - at a distance of about 91 Km (3 Hours Drive) from

 Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir & 7 Hours Drive from

 Islamabad, Keran is situated on the right bank of the river

 Neelum at1524m above sea level with fascinating scenery. 

The panoramic lush green valley is

profound in fruit and wildlife. There is beautiful and

 comfortable luxurious motels called Keran Resort owned by

 Valley Trackers.

Sharda - a breath-taking green spot at an altitude of 1981m

 & two hour drive from Keran.

 Shardi and Nardi are two mountain peaks overlooking the

 valley, reputedly named after

 legendary princess Sharda. It has a captivating landscape

 with numerous springs and hill-
sides covered with trees. On the right bank, opposite Sharda,

 the Neelum is joined by the

 Surgan Nallah along which a track leads to Nurinar Pass

 and through it to the KaghanValley. Ruins of an old Buddhist

 University can also be found in Sharda. Sharda is very
 historical place to visit.

Kel: - a small valley situated at a height of 2097m. This is

 another picturesque place in the

 Neelum Valley. The Shounter Nallah joins river Neelum at

 this place and leads to Gilgit

 Agency (Northern Areas) over the Shandur at 4420m.

Arang Kel: - is situated at the hill top near Kel, about 1500

 feet ascend from River Neelam

. It is also a village full of beautiful sceneries. Beyond this

 mountain, the next mountain is a

 part of Indian occupied Kashmir. It is a piece of utmost

 beauty, one can find in Kashmir.

Chita Katha Lake: Chita Katha Lake - is located at an

 altitude of 3,800 meters. Chitta Katha

 Lake is only accessible in the months of July and August.

 Common route followed by the

 tourists is through kel. There is a road from Kel to Shounter

 Valley. It is better to reach the

 village UTLI DOMEL at night and stay there. You should

 proceed forward early in the

 morning. There is climbing of 5 to 6 hours to reach the lake

. You can also make

 arrangements of horses for travelling from UTLI DOMEL.

Shounter valley: - lies in Upper Neelum valley. It can be

 accessed through a jeep track

 from Kel which only gets opened for a few months of the

 year. From Shounter valley, one

 can cross the Shounter Pass to enter into Astore valley at

 Rattoo. Shounter lake is a small

 but very beautiful lake in the Shounter Valley. From this

 point, one can go to Sarveli peak

 base camp, chitta katta lake or cross the Shounter pass into

 Astore. Shounter is very

 beautiful and worthseeing place.

Sardari: A beautiful village comes while going from Kel to Taobut.

Halmat: The border village about 49 kilometers ahead of Kel

 is a fascinating but unexplored

 sight. The area from Kel to Taobat is called the Halmat

. Janawai, Sardari and Halmat are 

the most beautiful places of this area. The drive itself is slow

 as the road is a dirt track, 

crossing streams and waterfalls. It almost takes 3 hours to 

reach this place from Kel. You

 can also start seeing some glaciers melting into the Neelum


Tao Butt: Tao butt is the last station and end point of Neelum

 valley. Tao Butt is an example

 of vegetation generosity of the liberal nature. The spot is

 donned with all delicacies and

 niceties. Nature flirts here with fantastic environment. It has

 a sever season and heavy

 snow in winter, and winter season continue  about 6 months

 strarting from October to April

 end. In summer it is a worth place for tourist to visit. Neelum

 river emerges from here in the

 valley and continue its journey till Domail. Taobut is very

 beautiful and worth seeing place to

 "Visit Neelum Valley".

Tao butt has few red roof huts comprise this town which

 when seen from a high 

ground remind you of the calendar pictures of Switzerland.

Gurase Valley: in Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir is the most

 captivating but remote and

 backward area of the Neelum valley situated in the north-

east of the Muzaffarbad, the

 capital city of Azad Kashmir. This area is the heart of

 sustainable tourism in Azad Kashmir

 because of its lush green natural beauty.


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