Monday, May 9, 2016

Lake Saiful Maluk, Saif-ul-Maluk,Naran – Kaghan Valley
                           Lake Saiful Maluk,Naran – Kaghan Valley

Naran is a medium sized town situated in upper kaghan valley which is a part of Khyber Pakhtun khwa province of Pakistan. It is one of the most beautiful part of northern areas in pakistan which is elevated 2500 meters above sea level. Its beauty captures a lot of people towards itself and thus it is a famous resort for tourists and trekkers. 
The weather of Naran is very cold. The ice on the moutain tops never melts, even in months of June and Jully there are glaciers and mountains are covered with snow.The road to naran valley travells alongside with River Kunhar which Starts from the glaciers of Kaghan and flow deep down in mansehra. 
 The local languages of Naran Valley are Hindko and Gojri but every individual overthere can speak and understand urdu. The dress is Shalwar kameez with long bottom shalwars. Most of the people are tall. Average height of males was about 5”8’ or 5”9’.
 Lake Saifulmalook is is situated 8 kilometers north of Naran. It takes 1 hour to reach saiful malook from Naran. One can find a lot of  4×4 jeeps at the outskirts of town. These jeeps takes the tourists from Naran valley to  Saiful Malook. As the road upthere is very rough and there are glaciers all the way up so only those jeeps and the local drivers can take you up therePeople hire those jeeps and visit Saiful Malook along with their families. Some people prefer trekking over riding the jeep, specialy the youngsters which trek up to Saiful Malook. There are restaurants and shops located at Saiful Malook aswell. People enjoy horse riding at there.

 Saiful malook is a lake which is situated in the midle of mountains, which throughout the year are covered with snow.  One of the renowned mountains is Malika Parbat which is placed on the left of the jheel.Saifulmalook is named after a folk tale. It is the story of the prince of Persia who fell in love with a fairy princess at the lake. The impact of the lake beauty is of such extent that people believe that fairies come down to lake in full moon. The colour of water is blue and it is crystal clear.  An individual cannot put his feet under it for more then 30 seconds.

Kaghan Valley is really a place worth to visit. These places are like small pieces of heaven on this planet. It is quite safe for a husband and a wife travel alone there, people of Kaghan Valley are really nice, but tourist are the only source of their income is these few months, so they don’t spare any moment to get money, infect you can get all facilities as usual by money. For accommodation There are some cheap places too.
Bala Kot is the starting place of the Kaghan valley, while travelling from Mansehra to Naran. People can stay there too, it is more like a big city, every kind of facility is there, and then come small towns like Kewai,, Shino Paras, and then come Kaghan,, but you will be surprised to see it, and all the images you made in you mind will be scattered away, as it kind of some houses on the slope on both sides of road nothing else obviously you would not like to stay there, so after taking a short rest and tea just get ready for Naran, the real places in Kaghan valley.
Naran : Actually it is the middle point in valley,, there you will see it is like a valley there is bazaar and nice hotels some are expansive some are cheap, just take a little wandering in hotel to hotel you soon will find one according to your wish and the pocket, Naran is the place where you can stay and make little trips daily, trips like:

• one to LAKE SAIFUL MALOOK, and further LAKE ANSOO, but if you can walk and climb up hiking for about 8 hours, then think of trying to hike up to Ansoo lake , other wise just stay at saiful malook enjoy walking around the lake, take lunch there and if you like stay to watch sun set, you will have to hire a jeep to take you to lake saifulmalook, when hiring a jeep do bargain a little, local people don’t mind bargaining, but of course you know it too should have limit, this trip will take all your day.

• And next day you can go to LALAZAR, this will too take one day,
• in evening you can enjoy the walk in naran bazar, sit on the side of river kunhar
• it would be an adventure too specially journey to Ansoo Lake, Normally women don't go there but if you're accompanying someone and want to take her there then I have some advices for you,, like take a guide from Lake Saiful-Malook, and yes do have umbrellas,, because in Naran weather is never predicted, it changes in hours.

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